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Using a Cognitive Interview Technique for Safety Incidents
Stop interrogating workers!
Guest contributors: BlaineJHoffmann
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Workplace incidents are never something that employers and employees look forward to experiencing. However, they do happen, and it's important for everyone involved to understand what happened and how it happened, which will require you to interview those involved in the incident. So, it stands to reason you will want to ask the right questions correctly to elicit the most accurate information possible. A cognitive interview technique is one of the most effective ways to do this.

What is a Cognitive Interview Technique?

A cognitive interview technique is a method of questioning designed to encourage interviewees to provide as much detail as possible about an incident. It's called "cognitive" because it focuses on people's mental processes for remembering events. It is based on the idea that memory is constructive; our memories are not perfect representations of what happened but reconstructions of what we think we experienced.

There are several benefits to using a cognitive interview technique for workplace incidents:

  • Obtain Detailed and Accurate Information
    Cognitive interviews are designed to gather as much detailed and accurate information about the incident as possible. This information can help you understand what happened, how it happened, and how to prevent it from happening again. Cognitive interviews can help establish a consistent timeline and identify discrepancies in the accounts in cases with multiple witnesses to an incident.
  • Prevention
    Investigating workplace incidents is essential for preventing future incidents. By using cognitive interviews to gather information about an incident, you can identify its underlying causes and take corrective action to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
  • Continuous improvement
    Workplace incidents can provide valuable insights into other areas where improvements can be made. By using cognitive interviews to gather information about an incident, you can identify opportunities for improvement and implement changes to prevent related incidents from occurring in other processes or areas of the workplace.
  • Employee engagement
    Using cognitive interviews as part of the incident investigation process can also help engage employees. By encouraging employees to share their experiences and perspectives on the incident, you can demonstrate commitment to workplace safety, build trust with employees, and create a more robust safety culture.
  • Compliance
    In many industries, employers are required by law to investigate workplace incidents. Using cognitive interviews as part of the incident investigation process can help one meet legal requirements and comply with regulations. Thoroughly investigating workplace safety incidents and taking corrective action can demonstrate that the company is taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety of its employees, which can help reduce the likelihood of legal action being taken.

How to Conduct a Cognitive Interview

During a cognitive interview, the interviewer may use several techniques that encourage the interviewee to provide a detailed description of the incident. When conducting a cognitive interview, following a structured approach is essential. Here are some techniques for conducting a successful cognitive interview:

  1. Establish rapport with the interviewee: Before the interview begins, the interviewee should feel comfortable and at ease. Establishing rapport can help put the interviewee at ease and encourage them to provide more detailed information.
  2. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Open-ended questions encourage the interviewee to provide a detailed description of the incident. They should be asked in a non-leading way to avoid influencing the interviewee's memory.
  3. Free recall: In this technique, the interviewer asks the interviewee to provide a complete account of the event without interruption. This technique encourages the interviewee to recall as much detail as possible without being influenced by the interviewer.
  4. Mental reinstatement: This technique involves asking the interviewee to mentally recreate the context and environment of the event. The interviewee is encouraged to recall sensory details such as sounds, smells, and colors to aid in recalling the event.
  5. Change perspective: In this technique, the interviewee is asked to recall the event from different perspectives, such as from the viewpoint of another person present during the event. This technique can help to uncover new details and views on the event.
  6. Repeated retrieval: This technique involves asking the interviewee to recall the event multiple times. It can help consolidate memories and recall information that may have been missed in previous interviews.
  7. Timeline: This technique involves asking the interviewee to provide a chronological event timeline. This technique can help identify discrepancies or inconsistencies in the interviewee's event account.

These techniques are used in different combinations depending on the specific needs of the investigation. By properly using these techniques, investigators can elicit more accurate and detailed information about an event, which can be used to prevent future incidents and ensure workplace safety.

Pro Tip: Building Backward

One powerful twist to applying the timeline technique mentioned above is asking an interviewee to remember workplace incident events in reverse order. There are several benefits when asking someone to place events in an order they may not be used to recalling:

  • Encourages a Different Recall Method: Asking an interviewee to recall the events of an incident in reverse order can help stimulate a different recall method. Typically, people tend to remember events in the order they happened. However, asking them to recall events in reverse order can encourage them to think more deeply about the incident. It may highlight details they may have forgotten or missed when remembering events chronologically.
  • It helps to Identify Inaccuracies or Discrepancies in the Interviewee's Account: Recalling events in reverse order can help interviewers identify inaccuracies or discrepancies in the interviewee's account of the incident. If an interviewee's account changes or becomes unclear when recalling the events in reverse order, it may indicate that they are not being truthful or that their recollection of events is inaccurate.
  • Reduces the Impact of Preconceptions and Expectations: Recalling events in reverse order can help reduce the impact of interviewees' preconceptions or expectations about the incident. Interviewees may have biases or assumptions about the sequence of events, and asking them to recall events in reverse order can help mitigate these biases and ensure that the account is more accurate.

Overall, asking an interviewee to recall workplace incident events in reverse order can help investigators gain a more accurate and detailed understanding of what happened.

It is essential to remember that conducting a cognitive interview for workplace incidents requires proper training and preparation. Interviewers must understand the mental processes involved in memory and the various techniques used in cognitive interviewing to ensure the interview is adequate and accurate.

Tips for Interview Success

First and foremost, it's essential to approach the worker with empathy and understanding. Recognize that they may be feeling anxious, upset, or even traumatized by the incident, and make it clear that you're there to support them and help them get through this difficult time.

Here are a few other tips that can help make the worker more comfortable:

  1. Start by thanking the worker for their time and willingness to talk to you. Let them know that you appreciate their help in understanding what happened and how to prevent it in the future.
  2. Create a safe and confidential space for the interview. Choose a private location where the worker won't be interrupted or overheard. Let them know that anything they say will be kept confidential and won't be used against them in any way. Don't place an object, like a desk, between you and the interviewee - sit with them. Let them sit near the door and give them a comfortable chair - all of these things can make the space safer for them to relax and feel more at ease.
  3. Be respectful and non-judgmental in your tone and body language. Don't interrupt the workers or argue with them, even if you disagree with what they're saying. Show that you're listening carefully and taking their words seriously.
  4. Offer support and resources if the worker needs them. Depending on the nature of the incident, they may need medical attention, counseling, or other types of assistance. Let them know that you're there to help and that you can connect them with any resources they need.

These are not interrogations, where you have evidence that they have done something wrong and need them to confess. They can help you learn how work happens so you can look for opportunities to improve together, so the event does not happen again. - Blaine J. Hoffmann, MS OSHM

Remember, the goal of the post-incident interview is to learn from what happened and prevent it from happening again. By approaching the worker with empathy and understanding, you can help them feel more comfortable and willing to share their experiences and insights.


In summary, cognitive interviews are an effective tool for investigating workplace incidents. By using cognitive interviews as part of your incident investigation process, you can improve the accuracy of your investigations, prevent future incidents, comply with legal requirements, engage employees, and continuously improve your workplace safety programs.

Blaine J. Hoffmann, MS OSHM has been in the occupational safety and health industry for over 28 years and is the author of "Rethinking SAFETY Culture" and "Rethinking SAFETY Communications," which are available now. Blaine is also the producer and host of The SafetyPro Podcast and founded the SafetyPro Podcast community site.

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Reflection Points:
1. What’s one goal I want my brain to focus on more?
2. How can I reinforce this daily so my RAS filters the right information?
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Summary of Key Point:

People don’t follow words; they follow actions. A leader’s behavior creates the foundation of the team’s culture. If you expect accountability, trust, and excellence, you must embody those values yourself. By consistently demonstrating the behaviors you want to see, you establish trust and set clear expectations without relying solely on directives or policies.

Application in Your Life:

Leadership by example means embracing the habits and attitudes you wish to see in others. For example, if you want your team to prioritize safety, ensure you’re always following safety protocols yourself—even when it’s inconvenient. If you value open communication, regularly share your own thoughts and listen actively when others speak. Over time, your actions become a benchmark for the team, shaping their daily decisions and attitudes.

Reflection Points:

  1. How closely do my actions align with the values I talk about?
  2. Are there instances where I’ve sent mixed signals through my behavior?
  3. What’s one small change I can make today to better model the values I expect from my team?

Teaching Approach:

  • Explain the Concept: Use the “parent-child” analogy—children watch their parents’ actions more closely than they listen to their words. In the same way, team members internalize the behavior their leader demonstrates.
  • Activity: Ask participants to identify a specific behavior or value they want their team to adopt, such as punctuality, attention to detail, or respectful communication. Then have them outline one practical way they will consistently model that behavior in their daily work.
  • Follow-Up: Encourage participants to track their efforts for a week and note any changes in their team’s behavior, sharing observations in the next meeting. This can lead to a group discussion on what worked, what was challenging, and how modeling behaviors can create lasting cultural shifts.
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The goal is to expand the Open Area by giving and receiving feedback, fostering trust, and promoting personal growth.

Application in Your Life:
Identify a trusted colleague or mentor and ask for constructive feedback. Start by sharing something about yourself (reduce the Hidden Area) and ask for insights into how you’re perceived (reduce the Blind Spot). Over time, this transparency improves communication and strengthens relationships.

Reflection Points:

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Teaching Approach:

  • Explain the Concept: Use a simple analogy—like cleaning a foggy mirror, honest feedback helps us see ourselves more clearly.
  • Activity: Have participants pair up and share one strength they feel confident about and one area they’d like feedback on. Then, discuss how the Johari Window helps them expand their Open Area.
  • Follow-Up: Encourage them to seek feedback regularly and track how it impacts self-awareness and performance over time.
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OSHA Ends COVID-19 ETS for Healthcare Workers
Should they simply update existing Standards?

From the Federal Register:

OSHA issued the healthcare ETS under section 6(c) of the Act (29 U.S.C. 655(c)) ( Occupational Exposure to COVID-19; Emergency Temporary Standard,86 FR 32376 (June 21, 2021), codified at 29 CFR 1910.502, 1910.504-.505, and 1910.509). Under section 6(c)(3) (29 U.S.C. 655(c)(3)), an ETS initiates rulemaking proceedings under section 6(b) and the ETS "as published shall also serve as a proposed rule for the proceeding."

When the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020, OSHA initially responded to COVID-19 in the workplace by creating guidance documents and using its existing enforcement tools. The agency pursued a two-pronged strategy: (1) enforcing existing standards such as those for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Respiratory Protection, and Bloodborne Pathogens, as well as the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act (29 U.S.C. 654(a)(1)), and (2) working proactively to assist employers by developing guidance documents addressing how to reduce occupational COVID-19 hazards.

On January 21, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order 13999 directing OSHA to consider whether "any emergency temporary emergency standards on COVID-19" were necessary (86 FR 7211). On June 21, 2021, the agency promulgated the COVID-19 ETS applicable to healthcare. Because, under the OSH Act, this ETS also served as a proposal for a final standard, OSHA received 481 unique public comments on the ETS during the first open comment period between June 2021 and August 2021 (Docket OSHA-2020-0004).

Following the issuance of the ETS, OSHA received petitions urging the agency to adopt a permanent standard to protect healthcare workers from COVID-19 from the American Nurses Association, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and National Nurses United (NNU) (Document ID 1518; 1519; 1521; 1522; 1524; 2175). Over forty unions and organizations supported the NNU petition urging OSHA to adopt a permanent standard for COVID-19 in healthcare establishments and issue a separate, broader Infectious Diseases standard.

On December 27, 2021, OSHA announced on its website that it would be unable to finalize a COVID-19 standard for healthcare "in a timeframe approaching the one contemplated by the OSH Act" and since the end of December 2021, OSHA has not enforced the ETS beyond the recordkeeping and reporting requirements in 29 CFR 1910.502(q) and (r). Instead, OSHA has relied on existing standards and the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act (29 U.S.C. 654(a)) to protect workers in workplaces previously covered by the ETS. OSHA emphasized in the website announcement that the agency "continues to work expeditiously to issue a final standard that will protect healthcare workers from COVID-19 hazards and will do so as it also considers its broader infectious disease rulemaking."

On January 5, 2022, several labor organizations, including NNU, filed a petition with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit seeking a writ of mandamus compelling OSHA to issue a permanent COVID-19 standard for healthcare within 30 days and to continue enforcement of the ETS in the meantime. On August 26, 2022, the court issued a decision denying NNU's petition in part and dismissing it in part for lack of jurisdiction, while also noting that the ETS would continue to serve as a proposed rule for the rulemaking proceedings (In re National Nurses United,47 F.4th 746, 754 (D.C. Cir. 2022)). The court determined that while the OSH Act created an obligation for OSHA to follow the issuance of an ETS with a notice and comment rulemaking process, "that process may result in a determination that no permanent standard is necessary."

While the NNU case was ongoing, OSHA continued its efforts to finalize a permanent COVID-19 standard for healthcare. However, after the ETS comment period closed on August 20, 2021, the available COVID-19 scientific literature, approaches to controls, and CDC guidance evolved significantly, based in part on the emergence of the Delta and Omicron variants. OSHA determined that it needed to re-open the record to ensure that the agency relied on the best available evidence and that the public could provide and comment on new data and information. On March 23, 2022, OSHA published a Federal Register notice announcing a limited re-opening of the comment period for 30 days (until April 22, 2022) and public hearings beginning on April 27, 2022 (87 FR 16426, March 23, 2022).

The re-opening of the comment period and the hearing and post-hearing comment period allowed OSHA to revise and provide notice of potential changes to policy options and regulatory provisions to reflect up-to-date science, control approaches, and perspectives, as well as supporting analyses required for a final standard. At the closing of the comment period on April 22, 2022, OSHA had received approximately 250 additional comments.

The public hearings were held April 27-29 and May 2, 2022. Participating stakeholders included labor organizations, workers, employers, industry/trade groups, professional associations, public health experts, and concerned individuals, with some 39 organizations or individuals presenting their perspectives in the hearings (Document ID 2153; 2156; 2168; 2171). The presiding Administrative Law Judge permitted stakeholders to submit post-hearing comments and briefs until May 23, 2022. OSHA received nearly 150 additional comments from stakeholders during the post-hearing comment period. Over the three different comment periods, OSHA received 873 timely public comments on this rulemaking.

OSHA submitted a draft final COVID-19 rule to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on December 7, 2022. On April 10, 2023, President Biden signed House Joint Resolution 7 into law, which terminated the national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the draft remained under review at OMB, OSHA developed an Infectious Diseases standard for healthcare workers.

Basis for Terminating the Rulemaking

OSHA always intended for an infectious diseases standard for healthcare workers to supplant any COVID-19 standard, and a COVID-19 standard would be an interim measure pending the completion of the infectious diseases standard. OSHA concludes that the most effective and efficient use of agency resources to protect healthcare workers from occupational exposure to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases is to focus on completing an Infectious Diseases rulemaking for healthcare rather than a disease-specific standard.

In addition, even if OSHA were to finalize a separate COVID-19 standard at this time, the agency would need to conduct an additional review and possibly supplement the record before issuing a final rule to ensure the rule reflects the most current science. For example, guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other experts has changed since OSHA submitted its draft rule to OMB. Moreover, focusing on a separate COVID-19 standard would likely consume agency staff time and other agency resources in a way that would inhibit the promulgation of a more broadly protective Infectious Diseases healthcare standard. For these independently sufficient reasons, OSHA is terminating this rulemaking. The agency will have a more significant impact by adopting a standard protecting healthcare workers from occupational exposure to infectious diseases, including COVID-19 and future variants.

Final Thoughts...

According to critics, OSHA attempted to use its rulemaking authority to influence public health policy in the workplace. While many still argue the pros and cons of this approach, one thing is clear: emergency temporary standards may not always equate to the need for permanent standards, especially when the hazard itself is likely temporary. 

What do you think? Be sure to join in on the conversation by sharing your comments.

Blaine J. Hoffmann, MS OSHM

Blaine J. Hoffmann, MS OSHM has been in the occupational safety & health industry for over 28 years and author of Rethinking SAFETY Culture and Rethinking SAFETY Communications. Blaine is the producer and host of The SafetyPro Podcast and founded the SafetyPro Podcast community site.

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